SoundView Advisors

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2023 SVA in Review

Thank you.

Thank you for another year of working together through the magnitude of experiences every year brings.  It is tempting to assess any given year by the year-end market returns. By that measure, 2023 was great! This simple measure, however, fails to measure what we experienced. Some years, the markets can be incredibly volatile (does anyone remember 2020?). Some years, economic or political uncertainties overwhelm whatever returns portfolios achieve.

Even more impactful are our personal highs and lows. Personal thrills or disappointments leave far more memories than a periodic rate-of-return calculation. Each of you experienced 2023 in very different ways.

At SoundView, 2023 was a good year.

Yes, the markets were great. Equally important, we established a connection with you and provide meaningful service. Great strides were made in our long-term financial modeling and tax analysis in 2023, which significantly informed our portfolio management for each client (and no, we still don't prepare taxes!).

Our Operations team did an amazing job in transitioning us through three major software changes. Our Support Advisors simplified life for our clients whenever they could. By sharing their wisdom and applying it, our Advisors have taken their learning to the next level.

What can you expect in 2024?

We are exploring opportunities created by the higher interest rate environment and sifting through the ever-expanding array of investment ideas and strategies. Later in the year, we will discuss ways to manage each client's risk profile, including utilizing insurance coverage as needed.

Most importantly, you can expect our team to continue caring about you as a person. You matter; we are here to serve you in whatever circumstances life throws at you.

Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your life. We appreciate you.

Kevin Slater
CEO, Lead Advisor, CFP®