SoundView Advisors

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Employee Spotlight: Nichole Harrison

Nichole Harrison is the newest member of the SoundView team!

Nichole received her Master of Science (M.S.) in Personal Financial Planning from Kansas State University in 2018. She’s been honing her skills ever since, and has been a wonderful addition to the growing team here at SoundView. As she's learning more about you, we thought it would be good for you to know a bit about her, too.


What's the craziest thing you've ever done?
On a beach in Costa Rica, I held the back flipper of a SEVEN FOOT female leatherback turtle while she laid her eggs—and lived to tell about it!

What’s your favorite movie?
Escape to Witch Mountain—the version from the 70’s, of course!

What’s your favorite quote?
"When you are happy you can forgive a great deal."
- Princess Diana

What’s the most important thing in your life?
My four children, and continuing to learn for the rest of my life.

What’s your dream vacation?
I enjoy connecting to my roots, so I want to take a nice, long family-history tour across Europe! I recently found out I have family heritage in Italy—sounds like a good place to start!

If you could be any animal, what would you be?
An Otter. I have my reasons.

What would be your “last meal”?
I would skip it. If I knew I wouldn't be around much longer there would be other things I would rather do than eat.

EDITOR’S NOTE: firm leadership does not endorse the skipping of last-meals. Food is amazing.

What is your favorite thing about working at SVA so far?
The people! My very first day, Vicki showed true emotion while sharing at our staff meeting, Lisa willingly picked out my lunch, and I received multiple messages of support and encouragement from the rest of the team.

What drew you toward Financial Planning?

SoundView’s purpose is “to have a deep and lasting impact on people’s lives” — that spoke to me. Money was my first language. I counted, saved, and invested from an early age. When I discovered more about how it impacts the quality of life, I was all in!