by Kevin Rigg, Director of Financial Life Planning, Lead Advisor, CFP®, CPA
We introduced our clients to our new planning software, Right Capital, during Strategic Planning (STP) meetings this past fall. We reviewed & updated goals, confirmed financial resources, and built a sustainable long-term cash flow plan and opened a lot of new conversations around the “What if...?” and “What happens when I....?” questions. This year we will build on that framework and review strategies for answering those questions and managing key risks that could impact your financial plan.
The reality is we all face risk each day. Although you can never eliminate risk (the possibility of injury, illness, death, or property loss), there are several strategies for managing risk that can help protect against loss:
Avoid – steer clear of activities with a high potential for adverse outcomes.
Transfer – spread potential impact of risks by pooling resources with others (i.e. insurance).
Accept - acknowledge and take on potential risk, along with any related financial cost.
Reduce – thoughtfully lower the likelihood or severity of potential risks.
Your Advisor will identify appropriate strategies to manage key risks relevant to your personal situation during your meeting. We can’t wait to get started and look forward to helping each of you choose the best strategies to address the most critical risks and gain confidence to face the unexpected.
We’ll need your help to accomplish this! Several weeks ahead of your STP meeting, your Support Advisor will request updated insurance documents, notes on recent or upcoming asset changes, and key personal and professional risk factors.