Employee Spotlight: Lisa Graber

by Krista Wallace, Advisor, CFP®

Lisa Graber has been a valued member of the SoundView team for over eight years, most recently serving on the Business Operations team. She and her husband, Michael, recently celebrated 40 years of marriage with a special trip to Italy (pictures below). They have one son, TJ, who lives in Nashville with his wife, Grace, along with their grand-dog, Guinness, and grand-cat, Gabby.

I sat down with Lisa to talk about love, money, and, of course, SoundView.

KW: What do you enjoy most about your role in Business Operations at SoundView?

LG: I love being able to support our clients! Whether it's answering the phones (let’s be honest, no one enjoys a phone tree) or ensuring that our staff have what they need to succeed, I enjoy simplifying processes and keeping things running smoothly. During the past year, I’ve become the first point of contact for new clients, helping them identify what’s needed and making the onboarding process as seamless as possible.

KW: How is your relationship with clients? Do they sometimes show appreciation for you, too?

LG: Absolutely! Sometimes I’ll receive an encouraging email that brightens my day. Other times, returning clients stop by, and we chat about shared interests—Oregon Ducks football (Go Ducks!), cooking, knitting, and more. These connections help me understand our clients better and find ways to improve our processes too!

KW: What’s best about working at SoundView?

LG: The people here make all the difference. Every team member is unique, and I’m constantly learning from them. When I started, I had no idea how much personal growth would come from simply being part of such a great team. It’s an unexpected benefit—having teammates who help me understand both the big picture and the finer details of our work.

KW: With your life experience, SoundView experience, and love experience, any wisdom to share?

LG: I’ve always loved connecting with a wide variety of people—that’s just who I am. I also love to learn and engage in conversations, even when I don’t always agree with someone. If I had to share a lesson, it would be this: Be curious. Ask good questions. Read a few books (not necessarily every book) to educate yourself on areas where you desire growth. We’ve all heard it, “There’s no such thing as a dumb question,” and I wholeheartedly agree.

KW: You and Michael have been married for 40 years—an impressive milestone! What has helped maintain your relationship?

LG: So many things! Michael and I met in high school—I was a senior, and he was a junior. We’ve lived a lot of life together since then. We like to say we grew up together. Early on, I handled our finances because of my bookkeeping background. Over time, we decided Michael should take on the day-to-day management of money, and that shift really improved our communication. We enjoy working together to solve important issues. Last year, we finally updated our estate documents, which was a huge relief. Like any couple, we’ve had our ups and downs, but we’ve found clear communication is what keeps us moving down the road.  I’m incredibly grateful.

Five "This or That" Questions

Candy or flowers for Valentine’s Day? Both!?

Delivered to the office or waiting at home? To the office, of course!

Valentine’s dinner—dine in or eat out? Out!

On Valentine’s Day or around the holiday? Around—I know all about those markups!

Favorite Cuisine? Italian – of course!  Our recent cooking vacation to Italy sealed the deal!