by Kevin Rigg, CFP®, CPA® & Krista Wallace, CFP®, AFC®
Hope is not a strategy. Luck is not a factor. Fear is not an option.
- James Cameron, American Filmmaker
As the days start to lengthen (thank you, daylight savings time), we find ourselves navigating the darkness with hope. Hope for warmer weather. Hope for sunlight. Hope for outdoor activity. Hope for change.
The first quarter of 2025 presented a sharp contrast to the close of 2024. Sweeping changes over this timeframe have heightened investor concerns about the economic environment and impact on investment markets. As a result, the market has reacted with some turbulence.
When we experience sudden change, it can cause us to feel unsteady and even hopeless when we perceive the change as negative. However, if we see the change in a positive light, we can often find ourselves rejoicing in our good fortune (or “luck”). When we find ourselves feeling uncertain and anxious, we often feel called to action, but what actions are appropriate, and how do we find hope in the midst of turmoil?
One of our advisors noted that his basketball coach often said, “You can only control your effort and your attitude in the game,” this wisdom applies beyond the court. While uncertainty is an inherent part of economic and market cycles, it can be difficult for us to find perspective while it is occurring. As advisors, we aim to help you focus on what you can control, those things most important to your long-term financial plan, and reduce anxieties about the things outside your control.
You can’t control everything, but you can control your financial strategy. This graphic helps separate the noise from what truly matters—and we’re here to help along the way.
Your advisor is available to discuss your concerns with you, and it will be a priority during your upcoming Annual Review meeting this spring.
Questions are always welcome at any time.