by Krista Wallace, Advisor, CFP®
“Freedom is only possible by constantly struggling for it.” ~ Albert Einstein
Some say that financial freedom is found when you do not have to “worry” about money anymore. But even when you think that you have “peaked” in your financial freedom journey, there are still mountains to conquer.
Along our journey, the “I want to have it all” cries of our youth move toward contentment. In our middle years, we wish for more time or energy but climb towards the realization that we are enough and we have enough. At the summit, we are free to tie up our loose ends and find peace.
Financial freedom must be defined as the freedom to obligate ourselves by choice, rather than the freedom from obligation impressed upon us by others.
On the Trail
Take a moment to reflect on your present moment, your location on the trail. Imagine what a life free from continual busyness might look like and consider moving towards the freedom to grow, guide, and give in the present.
In the last six months, I have had two friends in their forties pass away - much earlier than each of them (or their families) had counted on. On the surface, this may seem like a tragedy, but I can promise you that neither of these women thought about an errand on their to-do lists in their last moments. Instead, they were surrounded by family, friends, and lived in the present.
Life can be that simple - but oftentimes, simplicity comes after a struggle.
Don’t Look Back
The struggle is not in eschewing the daily habits and attitudes that brought us to this point in our journey. Quite the opposite, in fact. The struggle comes from continuing to prepare for the future while learning to live in the present. It is a delicate balance of goals and gratitude carefully weighed against our wants and needs. Perhaps now, at the midpoint of the year, we might each begin an ongoing practice of recording and reflecting upon our own priorities. And while building our list, we acknowledge that we have only a finite amount of time.
Consider what changes you could make in your own life to better balance your values and future goals with the urgency of being present today. Consider collaborating with your advisor during your next meeting to work towards finding balance and confidence in your plan.
Let us be brave enough to not only know better, but to do better - together.
That is financial freedom.