by Kevin Rigg, Director of Financial Life Planning, Lead Advisor, CFP®, CPA
2023 Strategic Planning Meeting
As the seasons rapidly shift from Summer to Fall, here at SoundView we also find ourselves in transition from Annual Review season to Strategic Planning (STP) meetings. While the Annual Review is intended to look back at the prior year(s) and assess the current financial picture, STP meetings are forward-looking and we typically focus on addressing a specific planning need (cash flow, investments, insurance, taxes, estate, etc.).
2023 STP meetings will primarily focus on financial independence. We will introduce you to our new financial planning software, Right Capital, and use it to review your financial trajectory and likelihood of long-term sustainability. Our objective for the STP meeting is to help you answer this one key question:
Am I on track to accomplish the most important and greatest number of personal goals?
We will prepare your financial plan with the most up-to-date personal and financial information we have on file. We may reach out ahead of the meeting and ask you to review our input and assumptions. If we do, please take a moment to review the information and let us know of any major changes we should consider. We will of course review and refine the plan together at the STP meeting and discuss if any changes are needed to help you remain on a sustainable path.