by Krista Wallace, Advisor, CFP®
“When we give cheerfully, and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.”
~ Maya Angelou
‘Tis the Season for giving!
Requests for last-minute charitable donations flood our inboxes this time of year. According to Charity Navigator, non-profits receive an average of 41% of their contributions in the last few weeks of the year. We encourage a slightly different approach: beginning the new year with giving – in the form of Qualified Charitable Distributions (QCD) and other strategies.
Your advisor has likely already spoken about giving this season, but there are other reasons you should consider financial gifts. Consider the four reasons below regarding how you might consider a G.I.F.T. now or in the future.
G - Gracious Generosity: Reflect on the generosity and kindnesses you have received over your life. This season choose to begin your 2024 with a gracious heart for others and embrace the joy of giving.
I - Intentional Impact: There are many organizations that rely heavily on contributions from individuals to exist and serve your community. Consider a gift that reflects your values and impacts your neighbors.
F - Fiscal Fitness: An apple a day keeps the doctor away…. But did you know that giving is also good for your health? A 2018 study at the University of Chicago School of Business showed that giving to others sustains our happiness, while other studies have linked lower risks of depression, decreased loneliness, and improvements in cardiovascular health as a result of giving to others and/or volunteering.
T - Thoughtful Trimming: There are plenty of ways to give thoughtfully (and tax-efficiently) other than QCDs. Consider a securities gift when your company stock plan vests annually. Could you set aside a portion of your annual salary increase, and earmark it toward giving? What about building charitable giving into your estate plan?
Live Generously
Whether you choose to give during the holiday season or start the new year with a gracious heart, your generosity can make a meaningful impact on the lives of others. Remember, there are many ways to give thoughtfully and tax-efficiently, and your advisor can help guide you in choosing the right strategy for your unique circumstances. Let us all embrace the joy of giving to make a deep and lasting positive impact on people’s lives.